State Fact Sheets
Americans—of all political, geographic, and demographic backgrounds—know that making early childhood education high quality boosts the well-being of children and making it affordable helps parents get and keep a job. However, we currently have an underfunded child care system in which the vast majority of children do not receive the support for which they are eligible and low compensation undermines quality.
Our nation can and must do better to create opportunities that help all children and families thrive. NAEYC’s America for Early Ed State Fact Sheets highlight key data points and priorities to help you talk with policymakers about what’s happening in early childhood education and for early childhood educators.
Each State Fact Sheet contains data gathered from federal and national sources, as well as NAEYC’s early learning program and higher education accreditation systems, to answer some of the following questions and more:
What is the annual cost of child care?
Where are children receiving their early learning experiences?
What supports are available for the early childhood workforce?
How much are early childhood educators compensated?
What kind of federal investments supports access to child care and early learning?
Download your state fact sheet, share it on social media and within your networks, and join us as we work together to deliver on the promise of high-quality early learning for our children, our families, and our country.
All permissions requests to use this work must be in writing and addressed to Lauren Hogan at advocacy@naeyc.org.
Links to Citations
(1) Number of children birth through age 8
(2) Percentage of children 0–5 who live in families with income below the federal poverty line
(3) Percentage of children with all available parents in the workforce
(4) Annual cost for child care – Infant
(5) Annual cost for child care – 4 Year Old
(6) Number of children receiving child care assistance per month, on average
(7) Percentage of eligible children receiving child care assistance per month, on average
(9) Number of children in Head Start and Early Head Start programs
(10) Number of children in state funded PreK programs
(11) Percentage of people living in a child care desert
(12) Number of NAEYC accredited early learning programs (source: NAEYC.org)
(13) Number of children served in NAEYC accredited early learning programs (source: NAEYC.org)
(1) Number of institutions of higher education with ECE programs
(2) Number of IHEs with NAEYC accredited and/or recognized programs
(3) Number of licensed early childhood education settings
(4) Scholarships to support educational pathways
(7) Elementary School Teacher Salary
(8) Percentage of the child care workforce receiving public benefits
(9) Federal investment – Head Start
(10) Federal investment – CCDBG